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The religion practiced by Mormons. Founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. in the 1820s as a form of Christian primitivism, Mormonism is the predominant religious tradition of the Latter Day Saints.
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Beehive symbol
Religion; Mormonism
A logo representing industry and harmony, appearing frequently on objects associated with the LDS Church and Utah.
Chosen people
Religion; Mormonism
Specifically those selected by God for special responsibilities, often requiring service and sacrifice; participants in the covenant of the gospel.
Bind on earth, bind in heaven
Religion; Mormonism
Through the priesthood sealing power, to make an ordinance performed on earth valid throughout eternity.
Bear testimony
Religion; Mormonism
To express one's personal convictions of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Family Registry
Religion; Mormonism
A service provided by the Family History Department of the Church to help people who are doing research on the same family lines to cooperate and share results.
Family home evening
Religion; Mormonism
A programme in which families gather (usually on Monday evening) for family-centered spiritual training and social activities.