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The religion practiced by Mormons. Founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. in the 1820s as a form of Christian primitivism, Mormonism is the predominant religious tradition of the Latter Day Saints.
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Dispensation of the fulness of times
Religion; Mormonism
A period of time in which priesthood authority and keys are established among mankind. The present dispensation, the last before the second coming of Christ, is called the "fulness of times. "
Early morning seminary
Religion; Mormonism
LDS religion courses for high school students offered before the normal school day begins.
Religion; Mormonism
A person called to serve as an adviser, assistant, and occasional substitute for an officer or leader in the Church. (See Concept of Presidency)
Born in the covenant
Religion; Mormonism
All children born to a couple after they have been married (sealed) in a temple.
Assistants to the twelve
Religion; Mormonism
Persons who at one time in the Church were specifically called to be General Authorities to assist the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.