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The religion practiced by Mormons. Founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. in the 1820s as a form of Christian primitivism, Mormonism is the predominant religious tradition of the Latter Day Saints.

Contributors in Mormonism


Sacred Grove

Religion; Mormonism

The grove of trees near Palmyra/ Manchester, New York, in which in 1820 Joseph Smith received his First Vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Sacrament meeting

Religion; Mormonism

The principal worship meeting of the Church, during which the sacrament of the Lord's supper is blessed and distributed to members of the Church. The members also pray, sing, and hear sermons.


Religion; Mormonism

The water and bread blessed and distributed as emblems of the body and blood of Jesus Christ to Church members in ward or branch meetings.

Returned missionary

Religion; Mormonism

One who has completed a full-time mission for the Church.


Religion; Mormonism

A brief, original dramatic production, often presented at two or more locations within a stake.


Religion; Mormonism

(1) The reestablishment of the ancient gospel of Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith in the latter days; (2) the culmination of God's work on the earth in the latter days, including the restoration of ...

Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Religion; Mormonism

A church that arose in response to the schism that followed the June 27, 1844, murder of Joseph Smith. Formally organised on April 6, 1860, at Amboy, Illinois.

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