Contributors in Movies
Entertainment; Movies
The art of recreating incidental sound effects (such as footsteps) in synchronisation with the visual component of a movie. Named after early practitioner Jack Foley, foley artists sometimes use ...
Foley Artist
Entertainment; Movies
Also Known As: Foley Operator. A person who creates foley sound effects; named after early practitioner Jack Foley.
Foley Mixer
Entertainment; Movies
A sound mixer who works with a foley artist to record sound effects.
Forced perspective
Entertainment; Movies
A technique used to create a sense of great distance or to make a space seem much bigger than it is, forced perspective is created by using objects that are vary in size, and placing them specific ...
Frame Rate
Entertainment; Movies
Also Known As: Frames Per Second, FPS. Movies are created by taking a rapid sequence of pictures (frames) of action. By displaying these frames at the same rate at which they were recorded, the ...
Freeze Frame
Entertainment; Movies
Also Known As: Freeze. An optical printing effect whereby a single frame is repeated to give the illusion that all action has stopped. Often used by Martin Scorsese. Contrast with stop motion.
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