Contributors in Movies


Directing Animator

Entertainment; Movies

The animator responsible for creating the key poses or key frames of an animation.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Dir, Helmer. The principal creative artist on a movie set. A director is usually (but not always) the driving artistic source behind the filming process, and communicates to actors the ...

Director of Photography

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: DP, DoP. A cinematographer who is ultimately responsible for the process of recording a scene in the manner desired by the director. The Director of Photography has a number of ...

Director's Cut

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: DC. Contracts under the terms of the Hollywood Director's Guild usually allow 6 weeks for a director to assemble a cut of the movie without studio interference as he or she would like ...

Directors Guild-Producer Training Plan

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Director's Guild of America Trainee, DGA Trainee. The Director's Guild of America has various training programmes whereby successful applicants are placed in various productions and ...


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Lap Dissolve. An editing technique whereby the images of one shot is gradually replaced by the images of another.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Distrib, Distribution. The organisation responsible for coordinating the distribution of the finished movie to exhibitors, as well as the sale of videos, laserdiscs, and other media ...

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