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The system in the body composed of muscle cells and tissues that bring about movement of an organ or part of the body.

Contributors in Muscular


Transversospinales muscle

Anatomy; Muscular

A group of muscles of the human back. Their combined action is rotation and extension of the vertebral column.


Anatomy; Muscular

The rotatores lie beneath the Multifidus and are found only in the thoracic region; they are eleven in number on either side.

Semispinalis dorsi

Anatomy; Muscular

A thin, narrow, fleshy fasciculi, interposed between tendons of considerable length.

Teres minor muscle

Anatomy; Muscular

The teres minor muscle rotates the arm laterally and assists in bringing it toward the body. As it draws the upper arm bone (humerus) up, it strengthens the shoulder joint. There are two teres ...

Brachialis muscle

Anatomy; Muscular

A muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint. It lies deeper than the biceps brachii, and is a synergist that assists the biceps brachii in flexing at the elbow. It makes up part of the ...

Coracobrachialis muscle

Anatomy; Muscular

The smallest of the three muscles that attach to the coracoid process of the scapula. (The other two muscles are pectoralis minor and biceps brachii. ) It is situated at the upper and medial part of ...


Anatomy; Muscular

A large triangular muscle which fills the subscapular fossa and inserts into the lesser tubercle of the humerus and the front of the capsule of the shoulder-joint.

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