Home > Industry/Domain > Physics > Nanotechnology


Of or pertaining to the manipulation of matter on an atomic or molecular scale. More specifically, it is the science and technology of matter manipulation from 1 to 100 nanometers.

Contributors in Nanotechnology



Physics; Nanotechnology

Nanoscale machines used to diagnose, image, report on, and treat disease within the body. See "Cell Repair Machine", "Nanites", "Nanobots", and "Nanomachine". Also: tips for scanning probe ...

Quantum computer

Physics; Nanotechnology

A computer that takes advantage of quantum mechanical properties such as superposition and entanglement resulting from nanoscale, molecular, atomic and subatomic components. Quantum computers may ...

Quantum confined atoms (QCA)

Physics; Nanotechnology

Atoms caged inside nanocrystals. May find uses in clear-glass sunglasses, bio-sensors, and optical computing.

Quantum cryptography

Physics; Nanotechnology

A system based on quantum- mechanical principles. Eavesdroppers alter the quantum state of the system and so are detected. Developed by Brassard and Bennett, only small laboratory demonstrations have ...

Quantum dot nanocrystals (QDNS)

Physics; Nanotechnology

Used to tag biological molecules, and "measuring between five and ten nanometres across, are made up of three components. Their cores contain paired clusters of atoms such as cadmium and selenium ...

Quantum dots

Physics; Nanotechnology

Nanometer-sized semiconductor crystals, or electrostatically confined electrons. Something (usually a semiconductor island) capable of confining a single electron, or a few, and in which the ...


Physics; Nanotechnology

Persons of unprecedented physical, intellectual, and psychological capacity, self-programming, self-constituting, potentially immortal, unlimited individuals.

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