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Nuclear & particle physics
Of or realting to the field of physics that involves the properties and interactions of atomic nuclei.
Industry: Physics
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Nuclear & particle physics
Physics; Nuclear & particle physics
Inhibiting the migration of radioactive material to the extent that the amounts entering the accessible environment will not exceed prescribed limits.
Physics; Nuclear & particle physics
The production of ions from neutral atoms or molecules by some process. For example, exposure to ionising radiation.
Health physics
Physics; Nuclear & particle physics
That science devoted to recognition, evaluation, and control of all health hazards from ionising radiation.
Ionising radiation
Physics; Nuclear & particle physics
Radiation that is capable of producing ions either directly or indirectly.
Physics; Nuclear & particle physics
Atom, molecule, or molecular fragment carrying a positive or negative electrical charge.
Physics; Nuclear & particle physics
One of the primary sex glands. For example: ovaries, testes.