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Occupational titles

Job titles and related knowledge, skills and qualifications needed to perform the intended tasks.

Contributors in Occupational titles

Occupational titles

End polisher

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who tends polishing machine that smooths and imparts specified finish to pivot (staff) ends of pinions and arbors. Responsibilities include: * Pulls spindle handle to insert and ...

Charger ii

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who prepares jewellery findings for subsequent soldering operations. Responsibilities include: * Positions jewellery article on nonflammable work surface, such as asbestos board or pan ...

Jewelry-casting-model maker

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who constructs metal models of jewellery articles for use in making moulds for casting jewellery parts. Responsibilities include: * Lays out design on metal stock, using gravers. * ...

Balance assembler

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who screws watch balance and balance bridge assembly to pillar plate. Places pillar plate in holding fixture, and positions balance and bridge assembly on plate securing with screws. * ...

Loading-unit operator

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who tends machines that load small arms cartridge cases with powder and bullets and crimps cases, working as member of team. Responsibilities include: * Places powder dispensing plate ...

Meter-and-regulator shop supervisor

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in repairing, adjusting, installing, and testing meters, regulators, gauges, and recording instruments for measuring and ...

Rope cleaner

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who rubs powdered mica onto tension rope of warp beam to prevent rope from slipping and to maintain even tension on warp.

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Kitchen cabinets online

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Bang & Olufsen

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