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Occupational titles

Job titles and related knowledge, skills and qualifications needed to perform the intended tasks.

Contributors in Occupational titles

Occupational titles

Pallet-stone positioner

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who adjusts position of pallet stones to extend each stone specified amount from face of holding recess, using positioning fixture. Responsibilities include: * Fits pallet in fixture ...

Cartridge-loading operator

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who tends machine that loads small arms cartridges with powder and inserts bullets. Responsibilities include: * Inserts bullets in holes of dial feed plate and observes cartridge case ...


Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who forms ring blank into circular shape, using ring mandrel and rawhide mallet. Responsibilities include: * Files ends of ring blank smooth and square and places blank in ring bending ...

Drapery-rod assembler

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who assembles drapery rods to customer's order in retail establishment. Responsibilities include: * Bends rod to customer's specifications to ensure proper fit in window boxes and ...

Mainspring fabrication supervisor

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in fabricating watch mainsprings. * Performs duties as described under supervisor master title.

Interior assemblies developer prover

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who plans, lays out, fabricates, and assembles aircraft upholstery, interior trim, soundproofing, insulating, and related items, to develop prototype parts to verify or modify ...

Occupations in fabrication of ordnance, ammunition, and related products

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who this group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with fabricating naval, aircraft, antiaircraft, tank, coast, and field artillery having a bore of over 30mm; ...

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