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Occupational titles

Job titles and related knowledge, skills and qualifications needed to perform the intended tasks.

Contributors in Occupational titles

Occupational titles

Sander and filer

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who shapes metal eye castings to fit in wooden shuttles. Responsibilities include: * Files and sands eye castings to specified shape and smoothness, using vise, hand files, and emery ...

Lathe hand

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who operates bench lathe to saw, mill, burr, or bevel metal stock or parts used to make jewellery findings. Responsibilities include: * Secures stock in guide or jig, starts lathe, and ...

Crown attacher

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who attaches watch crowns to stem. Responsibilities include: * Inserts stems into chuck of machine and places crown in holding tool. * Presses holding tool against revolving stem that ...

Escapement matcher

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who inspects and adjusts position of watch banking pins to limit angle through which pallet swings to point where escape wheel clears pallet stones, using loupe and watchmaker's tools. ...

Power-nut-runner operator

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who tends power screwdriver that tightens bolts, nuts, or drives screws to assemble products fabricated from materials, such as wood, metal, plastic, or other materials. ...


Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who assembles and adjusts typewriters and office machine assemblies and subassemblies, using blueprints, gauges, handtools, and holding devices. Responsibilities include: * Screws and ...

Miniature-model maker

Professional careers; Occupational titles

A professional who sets up and operates variety of woodworking, metalworking, and plastic-working machines to fabricate component parts, and assembles parts to form miniature models of motor vehicle ...

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Kitchen cabinets online

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Bang & Olufsen

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