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The scientific studies of the ocean.
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Earth science; Oceanography
Refers to motion or distance along lines of latitude. See also meridional.
Ice age
Earth science; Oceanography
Period of time when glaciers dominate the landscape of the Earth. The last major Ice Age was during the Pleistocene epoch.
Acid rain
Earth science; Oceanography
Rain with a pH less than 5. 6. Normal pH of precipitation is 5. 6.
Eustatic sea-level change
Earth science; Oceanography
Refers to a global or worldwide change in sea level and is unrelated to local/regional effects. The most common cause of eustatic sea-level variation is change in the ocean water volume.
Marine transgression
Earth science; Oceanography
Periods of sea level rise, where an influx of the sea covers areas of previously exposed land.
Earth science; Oceanography
Pertaining to changes that take place over two or more years.
Marine regression
Earth science; Oceanography
Periods of sea level fall, when areas of submerged seafloor are exposed above sea level by basin-ward migration of a shoreline.