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Operating systems
Software that handles the basic functionality of hardware.
Industry: Software
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Operating systems
Insertion point
Computer; Operating systems
The location where text or graphics will be inserted. Also used for text box controls to indicate input focus.
Printer driver
Computer; Operating systems
The device that communicates between your software programme and your printer.
Multiline discount
Computer; Operating systems
A discount granted if the combination of one or more lines fulfil some predefined conditions.
Trim points
Computer; Operating systems
The points where playback of a file or clip begins and ends. There are two trim points: start trim point and end trim point.
User identifier
Computer; Operating systems
An alphanumeric identification used to identify a particular user.
Computer; Operating systems
In computer-graphics programming, to fill adjacent blocks of pixels on the screen with a design or pattern without allowing any blocks to overlap.
Security vulnerability
Computer; Operating systems
A vulnerability in a product that is addressed by a Microsoft security update and security bulletin or a service pack.