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Operating systems
Software that handles the basic functionality of hardware.
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Operating systems
Computer; Operating systems
A statistical process that yields some inferential knowledge about a population or data set of interest as a whole by observing or analysing a portion of the population or data set.
Validation rule
Computer; Operating systems
A property that defines valid input values for a field or record in a table, or a control on a form.
Implicit profiling
Computer; Operating systems
An information collection process in which the actions and behaviours of a user visiting a Web site are recorded as the user moves around in and interacts with the Web site.
Computer; Operating systems
In programming, to move the bit values one position to the left or right in a register or memory location.
Computer; Operating systems
Pertaining to the base-16 number system represented by the digits 0 through 9 and the uppercase or lowercase letters A (equivalent to decimal 10) through F (equivalent to decimal 15). Hexadecimal ...
Decision tree
Computer; Operating systems
A treelike model of data produced by certain data mining methods. Decision trees can be used for prediction.
Name registration request
Computer; Operating systems
A message sent to a NetBIOS name server when a TCP/IP host begins an attempt to register the domain name.