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Operating systems
Software that handles the basic functionality of hardware.
Industry: Software
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Operating systems
Computer; Operating systems
In operating systems and database applications, a situation in which two or more processes cannot continue because each process is waiting for resources to be freed by the continuation of the other ...
Computer; Operating systems
A document area that contains a range of text distinct from other areas of text in a document. For example, if a document includes body text, footnotes, and headers, it contains a main text story, ...
Composite index
Computer; Operating systems
An index that uses more than one column in a table to index data.
Document window
Computer; Operating systems
In windowing environments, such as the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows, an on-screen window (enclosed work area) in which the user can create, view, or work on a document.
Data source driver
Computer; Operating systems
A programme file used to connect to a specific database. Each database programme or management system requires a different driver.
Manual caching
Computer; Operating systems
A method of manually designating network files and folders so they are stored on a user's hard disc and accessible when the user is not connected to the network.
Open generic type
Computer; Operating systems
A constructed generic type in which one or more of the generic type arguments substituted for its generic type parameters is a type parameter of an enclosing generic type or method. Open generic ...