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Particle physics
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Particle physics
Physics; Particle physics
All particles of ordinary matter (electrons, protons, neutrons) have anti-matter partners that appear identical in all respects (e.g. mass, spin) except that they have the opposite electric charge. ...
B physics
Physics; Particle physics
The study of particles containing the bottom (b) quark. The b quark is the second heaviest quark, and is found only at particle accelerators. B-Mesons are ideal objects to study the tiny differences ...
Pierre Auger Observatory
Physics; Particle physics
A detector, currently under construction in Argentina, that will be used to study the highest energy cosmic rays. For more information, see: http://www.auger.org/.
Run II
Physics; Particle physics
The term describing the current run of data collection at the Fermilab Tevatron. The goal is to collect roughly ten times more data than in the first run, when the top quark was discovered.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Physics; Particle physics
Located in Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom, this laboratory has a broad-based research programme that includes investigations in nuclear and particle physics.
Physics; Particle physics
This experiment, located in the Kamioka mine in Japan, is the successor to the smaller Kamiokande experiment. SuperKamiokande provided compelling evidence for neutrino oscillations in neutrinos ...