Home > Industry/Domain > Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides


Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.

Contributors in Pesticides


Emergency (chemical)

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A situation created by an accidental release or spill of hazardous chemicals that poses a threat to the safety of workers, residents, the environment, or property.

Emergency exemption

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Provision in FIFRA under which EPA can grant temporary exemption to a state or another federal agency to allow the use of a pesticide product not registered for that particular use. Such actions ...

Emergency removal action

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

1. Steps take to remove contaminated materials that pose imminent threats to local residents (e.g. removal of leaking drums or the excavation of explosive waste.) 2. The state record of such ...

Emergency response values

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Concentrations of chemicals, published by various groups, defining acceptable levels for short-term exposures in emergencies.

Emergency suspension

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Suspension of a pesticide product registration due to an imminent hazard. The action immediately halts distribution, sale, and sometimes actual use of the pesticide involved.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other vents, and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities; from residential chimneys; and from motor vehicle, locomotive, or ...

Emission cap

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A limit designed to prevent projected growth in emissions from existing and future stationary sources from eroding any mandated reductions. Generally, such provisions require that any emission growth ...

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