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Physical oceanography

The scientific study of the physical conditions and processes related to the motions and physical properties of ocean currents and waters.

Contributors in Physical oceanography

Physical oceanography


Earth science; Physical oceanography

A branch of applied mathematics which determines by observation and measurement the exact positions of points and the figures and areas of large portions of the earth's surface, the shape and size of ...

Ocean Information centre (OCEANIC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A data centre that maintains information on WOCE, TOGA, research ships and cruise schedules, and other oceanographic information sources.

Normal modes

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A decomposition solution procedure based on the eigenvectors of the linearized dynamical equations, i.e. an inherently linear concept. For example, the equations of large-scale motion in the ...

Knudsen, Martin

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A Danish physicist who worked on a set of tables for the determination of chlorinity, salinity, temperature, and density from in situ measurements. He suggested at the ICES meeting in 1899 that such ...

Iceland–Scotland Overflow Water

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A deep water mass found over the slopes of the Iceland– Scotland Ridge in the Iceland Basin. The typical characteristcs at around 20°W are Θ = 2.5°C and S = 34.98. The main source for ISOW is ...

RNODC from the Southern Oceans (RNODC-SOC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A data centre commissioned in 1988 within IODE to acquire the physical and chemical data obtained by the international scientific community in cruises and research programmes carried out in the ...

Upper Ocean Thermal centre (UOTC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A data centre charged with the collection, dissemination, and use of volunteer observing ship (VOS) XBT data for the Atlantic Ocean to satisfy WOCE objectives in the upper part of the water column.

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