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Prevention & protection
File prevention and protection terms.
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Prevention & protection
Closing device
Fire safety; Prevention & protection
A means of closing a door from the partially or fully opened position.
Carrier system
Fire safety; Prevention & protection
A means of conveying a number of channels over a single path by modulating each channel on a different carrier frequency and demodulating at the receiving point to restore the signals to their ...
Accessible means of egress
Fire safety; Prevention & protection
A means of egress that provides an accessible route to an area of refuge, a horizontal exit, or a public way.
Intelligent transportation system
Fire safety; Prevention & protection
A means of electronic communications or information processing used singly or in combination to improve the efficiency or safety of a surface transportation system.
Fire safety; Prevention & protection
A means of preventing certain stream properties from being conveyed past a predefined point.
Chemical isolation
Fire safety; Prevention & protection
A means of preventing flame front and ignition from being conveyed past a predetermined point by injection of a chemical suppressant.
Conventional pallets
Fire safety; Prevention & protection
A material-handling aid designed to support a unit load with openings to provide access for material-handling devices.