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Professional photography

Professional photography is the occupation of taking pictures and selling them freelance or as part of a contract usually with a publication.

Contributors in Professional photography

Professional photography

A/v connector

Photography; Professional photography

A terminal used to connect audio video cables.


Photography; Professional photography

Portrait orientation: Oriented so that the height is greater than the width.

Picture control system

Photography; Professional photography

A Nikon image creation system available with compatible cameras or software. A. K. A. "Picture Control. " This flexible system allows professional and beginning users alike to process photographs ...


Photography; Professional photography

An accessory for suspending the camera around one's wrist.

Flicker reduction

Photography; Professional photography

Certain light sources, including mercury vapour and fluorescent lighting, cycle on and off at the same frequency as the alternating current that powers them (50 Hz or 60 Hz). The flicker generated ...

Minimum illumination

Photography; Professional photography

An item in the specifications stating the lowest light level at which movies can be recorded, defined as the amount of light (measured in lux, or lx) needed to produce a video signal with a white ...

Thermal shield finish

Photography; Professional photography

The heat-block coating reflects light and re-radiates heat. Similar substances are widely used in exterior walls, on roofs, around pools, in parking lots, and in the asphalt on roads to reduce the ...

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