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Radiology equipment
Radiology equipment is used in the medical profession for the purpose of creating images that expose internal parts of the body.
Industry: Medical devices
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Radiology equipment
Local radiation injury (LRI)
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
Acute radiation exposure (more than 1,000 rads) to a small, localised part of the body. Most local radiation injuries do not cause death. However, if the exposure is from penetrating radiation ...
Low-level waste (LLW)
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
Radioactively contaminated industrial or research waste, such as paper, rags, plastic bags, medical waste, and water-treatment residues. It is waste that does not meet the criteria for any of three ...
Hot spot
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
Any place where the level of radioactive contamination is considerably greater than the area around it.
Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
A level of exposure to airborne contaminants likely to cause (1) death; (2) immediate or delayed permanent adverse health effects; or (3) prevent escape from such an environment. Idlh values are ...
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
Incorporation refers to the uptake of radioactive materials by body cells, tissues, and target organs such as bone, liver, thyroid, or kidney. In general, radioactive materials are distributed ...
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
1) the act of swallowing; 2) in the case of radionuclides or chemicals, swallowing radionuclides or chemicals by eating or drinking.
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
1) the act of breathing in; 2) in the case of radionuclides or chemicals, breathing in radionuclides or chemicals.