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Radiology equipment
Radiology equipment is used in the medical profession for the purpose of creating images that expose internal parts of the body.
Industry: Medical devices
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Radiology equipment
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
A system for taking up the slack in electrical cabling or tubing that must pass through a rotational joint, e.g., between the drive stand and the gantry.
Window/level adjustment
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
Usually a slider adjustment of the Window width and level values.
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
Window: range of Hounsfields units (HU) displayed of a CT image = Window width. Window Level: central HU of all the numbers within the window width.
Window and level
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
Window: range of Hounsfields units (HU) displayed of a CT image = Window width. Window Level: central HU of all the numbers within the window width.
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
In Imaging: range of Hounsfields units (HU) displayed of a CT image = Window width.
Wedge philtre
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
A tapered block of attenuating material, which causes a progressive decrease in the dose rate across the whole or part of a radiation field. Designed to produce wedge shaped isodose curves.
Water loops
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
City and machine loops of water that do not mix; used by the water-cooling system.