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Referring to any service that assists a family to move house or a business to move from one establishment to another.
Industry: Business services
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Clear title
Business services; Relocation
Real property ownership free of liens, especially voluntary liens such as mortgages.
Business services; Relocation
Occurs when a property is sold and title is transferred to the new owner.
Chain of title
Business services; Relocation
The successive ownerships or transfers in the history of title to a tract of land.
Certified relocation professional
Business services; Relocation
A designation from the Employee Relocation Council (ERC) earned after demonstrating experience in the relocation industry and receiving a passing score on the certification exam administered by ERC.
Certificate of title
Business services; Relocation
In areas where attorneys examine abstracts or chains of title, a written opinion, executed by the examining attorney, stating that title is vested as stated in the abstract.
As is condition
Business services; Relocation
Offering in which a seller will make no repairs to housing before settlement and makes no representations as to it's condition. Term also means the appraisal method of examining the physical aspects ...
Arm’s length transaction
Business services; Relocation
A home sale transaction where both buyer and seller act willingly, with full knowledge of all details of the transaction.