Home > Industry/Domain > Video games > Rhythm games

Rhythm games

Games in which the core gameplay is in some way based around the music that is being played.

Contributors in Rhythm games

Rhythm games

Guitar Hero

Video games; Rhythm games

Guitar Hero is a series of games where the player is tasked with mimicking the notes of the song being played. It uses special large plastic controllers in the shape of guitars, although spin-off ...


Video games; Rhythm games

An error caused by keyboard matrix architecture. Most computer keyboards do not support the ability to hold down multiple keys at the same time and have every key register. This can lead to ...


Video games; Rhythm games

Vibrating your arm muscles to produce a very fast shaking movement in the hands. Can lead to even faster button presses than wristjacking but cannot be done by the human body for extended periods ...


Video games; Rhythm games

A modification that causes every notechart to scroll along the screen at a constant and specific speed, regardless of the song's original beats per minute.


Video games; Rhythm games

The indicator that shows when a note should be hit.

Judgement window

Video games; Rhythm games

The period of time a player has to press the note to receive a specific ranking on that note. Pressing too early or too late in a way that is out of sync with the backing track will give the player ...


Video games; Rhythm games

The name given to the most difficult setting for judgement window times.

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