Home > Industry/Domain > Aerospace > Satellites


Of or relating to any man-made object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body.

Contributors in Satellites



Aerospace; Satellites

(1) The process of projecting an image (mathematically or graphically) from its plane onto another plane by translation, rotation, and/or scale change. (2) The process of defining such a plane ...

Aspect ratio

Aerospace; Satellites

(1) Of pixels, the numerical ratio of the width of a pixel to its height. (2) Of images, the ratio of two perpendicular axes scales, or the ratio of image length to width.


Aerospace; Satellites

Any effect in a sensor or other apparatus or system above which the phenomenon of interest must manifest itself before it can be observed. See background noise.

Image enhancement

Aerospace; Satellites

Any one of a group of operations which improves the interpretability of an image or the detectability of targets or categories in the image. These operations, in the case of Landsat images, include: ...


Aerospace; Satellites

Any quantity of a problem that is not an independent variable. More specifically, a term which distinguishes, from dependent variables, quantities which are constants or which may be assigned more or ...


Aerospace; Satellites

Any tabular statement of the assigned places of a celestial body (including a manmade satellite) for regular intervals. Ephemeris data help to characterise the conditions under which remote sensing ...


Aerospace; Satellites

Any marking on illustrative material for the purpose of clarification, such as numbers, letters, symbols, and signs. On digital Landsat products, the annotation (such as date of coverage, sun angle, ...

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