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Scuba diving
Underwater diving in which the diver uses scuba gears to breathe underwater.
Industry: Sports
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Scuba diving
Sports; Scuba diving
A part of the body characterised by specific characteristics, such as muscle, bone, or cartilage. The term is also used to refer to any part of the body with a specific half time for loading and ...
Alternoberic vertigo
Sports; Scuba diving
Un-even release of pressure from the inner ear. Causing vertigo, dizziness and spins.
Sports; Scuba diving
A body temperature colder than normal (98. 6F), severe problems start to manifest when body temperature reaches about 95'F.
Arterial gas embolism
Sports; Scuba diving
The condition characterised by bubble(s) of air from a ruptured lung segment under pressure; the bubbles enter the pulmonary circulation and travel to the arterial circulation, where they may cause a ...
Surface consumption rate (SCR)
Sports; Scuba diving
Measure used in calculations for determining air consumption rate at various depths.
Sports; Scuba diving
Related to Haldane's theory that nitrogen is absorbed up and released in an exponential manner during a dive, and that there is some safe ratio of pressure change for ascent.
Scuba lifesaving and accident management (SLAM)
Sports; Scuba diving
YMCA's lifesaving course designed for SCUBA divers that offers entry-level SCUBA certification.