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Social media
Social media is the medium through which internet users can contact and share information over the internet.
Industry: Internet; Online services
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Social media
Sociology; Social media
Heterosociality describes social relations with persons of the opposite sex or preference for such relations, often excluding relationships of a romantic or sexual nature.
Sociology; Social media
Habitus is a structure of the mind characterised by a set of acquired schemata, sensibilities, dispositions and taste. The particular contents of the habitus are the result of the objectification of ...
Sociology; Social media
In sociology, a nomos is a socially constructed ordering of experience. The term has become more generally used in sociology to denote the relationship between formal ideology and functional ...
Mass action
Sociology; Social media
Mimetic isomorphism in organisation theory refers to an organisation to adopt another organization's structure by imitating it believing that the structure of the actual organisation is beneficial.
Mass society
Sociology; Social media
Mass society is a description associated with society in the modern, industrial era. This term can be applied to any society that is said to possess a mass culture and large-scale, impersonal, social ...
Sociology; Social media
Normalisation refers to social processes through which ideas and actions come to be seen as "normal" and become taken-for-granted or 'natural' in everyday life.
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