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Social media
Social media is the medium through which internet users can contact and share information over the internet.
Industry: Internet; Online services
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Social media
Binge surfing disorder
Online services; Social media
Consuming more page views in a single sitting than most average people could in a two-week period.
Ghost twitterer
Online services; Social media
Very similar to ghost writing, ghost twitterer is someone sending out tweets in the name of someone else. It is often alleged that celebs use ghost twittering to continuously send out tweets to their ...
Tweet guilt
Online services; Social media
The guilty feeling experienced by a user when he cannot reply to all the tweets sent to him.
Friends/followers collector
Online services; Social media
Somebody who takes pride in his growing friends/followers list and works aggressively to add people to his list. He may even yearn to reach targets like 2500 followers in a month or so. That's the ...
Social media schizophrenia
Online services; Social media
Extreme mood swings and disturbed behaviour because of the over-use of social media and the inability of the user to distinguish between his real life and his online interactions.
Social media celeb stalkers
Online services; Social media
Twitter users who do nothing else than spend their day monitoring tweets by celebrities and bombarding their fav stars with annoying tweets, hoping to get a reply or their " 140-characters of fame".