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Soil science
That science dealing with soils as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils per se; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils.
Industry: Earth science
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Soil science
Earth science; Soil science
Open excavations from which soil and commonly, underlying material, have been removed exposing either rock or other material that supports few or no plants. Includes mine pits, gravel pits, and ...
Framework silicate
Earth science; Soil science
Silicate type in which all four oxygens of each silica tetrahedron are shared with other tetrahedra.
Earth science; Soil science
Any soil of the azonal order without definite genetic horizons and developing from or on deep, unconsolidated, soft mineral deposits such as sands, 1oess, or glacial drift.
Earth science; Soil science
An interaction between two organisms in which one organism is suppressed by the other (such as suppression of one organism by toxins produced by the second).
Earth science; Soil science
Mineral soils that have an aridic moisture regime, an ochric epipedon, and other pedogenic horizons but no oxic horizon. (An order in the U. S. system of soil taxonomy. )
Multilevel sampling
Earth science; Soil science
Collecting remotely sensed data from different types of platforms with ground data from the same geographic area.
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