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Speed skating
Speeed skating is a competitive form of ice skating in which individuals race around an ice rink. There are three categories of the sport based on speed and distance they are, short-track speed skating, long-track speed skating and marathon speed skating.
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Speed skating
Dry land training
Sports; Speed skating
When speed skaters do skating related exercises off the ice such as inline skating or other kinds of technique drills.
Sports; Speed skating
This is a term to describe when a skater incorrectly cross's the track.
Crossing straight
Sports; Speed skating
On a long track skating oval one of the straightaways has a place where skaters can change lanes and this is called the crossing straight.
Sports; Speed skating
This is a skating technique where the skater pushes one leg behind the other so that they are able to take turns swiftly and also to be able to gather speed while turning. It also helps the skater to ...
Sports; Speed skating
When a skater is excluded from further participation in the skating competition. See Rules of the Game for further details.
Sports; Speed skating
This is a foul and it happens when one skater is trying to pass another skater on the inside and touches the skater they are trying to pass.
Sports; Speed skating
These are skaters who are trying to catch up to or go in front of the other skaters.