Contributors in Sports shoes
Sports shoes
Brannock device
Footwear; Childrens shoes
A device used to measure the length and width of the foot in order to ensure proper shoe fit.
Footwear; Childrens shoes
A type of fabric, often with embroidered or embroidered-style elaborate designs, popular with Asian influenced looks.
Footwear; Childrens shoes
A heavy, oxford-style shoe featuring pinked and perforated detailing.
Footwear; Childrens shoes
A clasp at the end of a length of fabric or leather that joins one end of the material to the other.
Footwear; Childrens shoes
A painful swelling at the base of the big toe, frequently leading to permanent enlargement of the toe joint.
Footwear; Childrens shoes
The process of buffing a shoe surface to achieve an antiquing effect of the leather.
Footwear; Childrens shoes
Leather created from the skins of very young cows. Calfskin is typically very supple and soft.