Home > Industry/Domain > Retail > Supermarkets
Terms that are in relation to the biggest kind of retail store.
Industry: Retail
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Distressed merchandise
Retail; Supermarkets
Salable merchandise that needs re-working, crisping, re-trimming or to be conditioned or packaged to sell. Product which requires a forced sale because of damage or deterioration.
Retail; Supermarkets
To remove product from the original shipping pallet and repalletize it for shipping or storage.
Retail; Supermarkets
To repair or restore a product's appearance, e.g., trimming, re-crisping, taping on labels or other method.
Register balance
Retail; Supermarkets
To verify a cashier's till amount against the register reading.
Retail; Supermarkets
Two or more advertisers that share the costs of advertising on a television program.