Contributors in Teaching
Education; Teaching
Arrangements provided to ensure the opportunity for individuals to participate in an institution; often refers to the Arrangements offered to students with disabilities to ensure maximum opportunity.
Aesthetic response
Education; Teaching
An affective or emotional response a person has to material, which is based on the individual's background knowledge, attitudes, and experiences.
Accreditation of prior learning (APL)
Education; Teaching
Mechanism for recognising and giving credit for knowledge and skills gained in ways other than traditional courses such as work or life experiences; typically it is evaluated by the completion of a ...
Annotated bibliographies
Education; Teaching
Bibliographies that include a summary description of the works listed.
Added value
Education; Teaching
Additional benefit gained by the use of specific factors in teaching, learning or administration activities.
Adult and continuing education
Education; Teaching
Education geared to the needs of mature students, especially during their working lives.