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U.S. politics
Political terms used in U.S. involving the three main branches of government as well as grass root politics.
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U.S. politics
Revenue enhancement
Politics; U.S. politics
A term used to describe a tax increase, without having to call it a tax increase.
Socratic method
Politics; U.S. politics
A teacher, by questioning his student, brings the student to recognise some conclusion without telling the student that the conclusion is true.
Politics; U.S. politics
A term used to describe a very specific type of pork barrel spending. The earmark is usually a reward offered to politicians to get their votes on bills they would not otherwise support. A good ...
Politics; U.S. politics
A term used to describe alarmists, fanatical anti-war activist, environmental extremists, and other radicals and politicians. It is perceived that they have sacrificed sanity for uniformity, like ...
Politics; U.S. politics
A term origianlly used by the former U.S. President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002 to describe his administration's hitlist countries in the world. Bush accused ...
Politics; U.S. politics
A term to describe a heterosexual urban male, who is vain, self-indulgent and grooms himself in clothing recommended by homosexuals. A kind of narcissistic, insecure masculinity shaped by film, ...
Vast right wing conspiracy
Politics; U.S. politics
A term coined by Hillary Rodham-Clinton to describe the accusations of, and the investigations into, President Bill Clinton's alleged misconduct and alleged illegal activities.