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Vehicle equipment
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Vehicle equipment
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Negative ion. Alkali, molten carbonate, and solid oxide fuel cells are "anion-mobile" cells — anions migrate through the electrolyte toward the anode.
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
One of two electrodes in a fuel cell or battery. The anode, the negative post of the fuel cell, conducts the electrons that are freed from the hydrogen molecules so that they can be used in an ...
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
A closed vessel that can withstand high temperatures and pressures.
auxiliary climate control devices
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Specialized add-on heating units, or combination heating/cooling units, that operate with the truck engine turned off. They eliminate the need to leave engines idling solely to heat or cool the cab ...
steady state
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Condition of a body or system in which the conditions at each point do not change with time, after initial fluctuations have disappeared.