Contributors in Video


Direct draw overlay

Entertainment; Video

A feature that lets you see the video full screen and full motion on your computer screen while editing. Most new 3D graphics cards support this. If your’s does not, it simply means you will need an ...

Direct memory access (DMA)

Entertainment; Video

Method of gaining direct access to main storage in order to perform data transfers without involving the CPU.

Direct recording

Entertainment; Video

A type of analogue recording which records and reproduces data in the electrical form of its source.

Direct sound

Entertainment; Video

The sound which reaches a mike or listener without hitting or bouncing off any obstacles.

Direct to disc

Entertainment; Video

A method of recording directly to the cutting head of the audio disc cutter, eliminating the magnetic recorder in the sequence, typified by no tape hiss.

Directional antenna

Entertainment; Video

An antenna that directs most of its signal strength in a specific direction rather than at equal strength in all directions.

Directional microphone

Entertainment; Video

One whose sensitivity to sound varies with direction. Such microphones can be aimed so their most sensitive sides face the sound source, while their least sensitive sides face sources of noise or ...

Featured blossaries

Languages spoken in Zimbabwe

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Venezuelan Dishes

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