Contributors in Video


Delay distortion

Entertainment; Video

Distortion resulting from non-uniform speed of transmission of the various frequency components of a signal; i.e., the various frequency components of the signal have different times of travel ...

Delay distribution amplifier

Entertainment; Video

An amplifier that can introduce adjustable delay in a video signal path.


Entertainment; Video

Getting television signals to a viewer. Delivery might be physical (e.g., cassette or disc) or electronic (e.g., broadcast, CATV, DBS, optical fiber).

Delivery system

Entertainment; Video

The physical medium by which one or more multiplexes are transmitted, e.g., satellite system, wideband coaxial cable, fibre optics, terrestrial channel of one emitting point.

Delta frame

Entertainment; Video

A frame containing only the data that has changed since the last frame. Delta frames are an efficient means of compressing image data. Compare Key Frame.


Entertainment; Video

The process of recovering the intelligence from a modulated carrier.


Entertainment; Video

A device which recovers the original signal after it has been modulated with a high-frequency carrier. In television, it may refer to: an instrument such as the Tektronix 1450 which takes video in ...

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