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Welding equipment
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Welding equipment
Commutory controlled welding
Industrial machinery; Welding equipment
The making of a number of spot or projection welds in which several electrodes, in simultaneous contact with the work, progressively function under the control of an electrical commutating device.
Industrial machinery; Welding equipment
It is the union of fusion of metals upon heating.
Carbon-arc cutting
Industrial machinery; Welding equipment
A process of cutting metals with heat obtained from an arc between a carbon electrode and the work.
Electron-beam cutting
Industrial machinery; Welding equipment
The process of thermal cutting in vacuum by melting and vaporising a narrow section of the metal by the impact of a focused beam of electrons.
Electrode force
Industrial machinery; Welding equipment
It is the force, in pounds, between the electrodes during the actual welding cycle in cases of spot, seam, and projection welding.
Edge preparation
Industrial machinery; Welding equipment
It is the contour prepared on the edge of a joint member for welding.
Industrial machinery; Welding equipment
It is a filler metal in the form of a wire or rod, whether bare or covered, through which current is conducted between the electrode holder and the arc.
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