Home > Industry/Domain > Computer > Workstations


Of or pertaining to any computer intended for personal use, but with a much faster processor and more memory than an ordinary personal computer.

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Computer; Workstations

A unit of activity characterised by a single sequential thread of execution, a current state, and an associated set of system resources.

Uniprocessor system

Computer; Workstations

A uniprocessor system has only one processor active at any given time. This single processor can run multithreaded applications as well as the conventional single instruction single data model. See ...

Document root

Computer; Workstations

The top-level directory of a WAR. The document root is where JSP pages, client-side classes and archives, and static Web resources are stored.

Bean-managed transaction

Computer; Workstations

A transaction whose boundaries are defined by an enterprise bean.

ISO 3166

Computer; Workstations

The international standard for country codes maintained by the International organisation for standardisation (ISO).

Security attributes

Computer; Workstations

A set of properties associated with a principal. Security attributes can be associated with a principal by an authentication protocol or by a J2EE product provider or both.

Life cycle (JavaServer Faces)

Computer; Workstations

A set of phases during which a request for a page is received, a UI component tree representing the page is processed, and a response is produced. During the phases of the life cycle: *The local data ...

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