Contributors in World history
World history
Block printing
History; World history
A system of printing where characters are carved onto a wooden block. The block is then inked and pressed onto a sheet of paper.
History; World history
A system of thought devoted to the examination of ideas such as truth, existence, reality, causality, religion, and freedom
History; World history
Somebody who communicates with the spiritual realms on behalf of the living. Seen in many Animistic types of belief systems.
Treaty of Tordesillas
History; World history
A treaty dividing the New World possessions between Portugal and Spain. This treaty, signed in 1494 was a product of the Catholic Church.
History; World history
Man made objects that orbit the Earth or perform deep space probes. The perform a number of functions such as communications and weather.
History; World history
Writing used in ancient Mesopotamia, which consists of nail-shaped linear elements from which the separate signs are constructed. Goes back to 2500 A.D. when the originally signs were systemized in ...
Wealth of Nations
History; World history
British philosopher and writer Adam Smiths 1776 book that described his theory on free trade, otherwise known as laissez-faire economics.