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The Zodiac is the ring of constellations that lines the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year.

Contributors in Zodiac


Double-bodied signs

Astrology; Zodiac

Gemini is known as one of the double-bodied signs (dual signs) because it has two "bodies" in its symbol, the symbol of the Twins. The other dual signs are Sagittarius (part man, part beast) and ...

Age of Aquarius

Astrology; Zodiac

The Astrological Age that begins when the vernal point precesses beyond the first degree of sidereal Pisces and into the last degree of sidereal Aquarius.


Astrology; Zodiac

Caput Algol, a malefic fixed star currently located in the 27th degree of Taurus.


Astrology; Zodiac

The Serpent-Bearer, the so-called "13th Sign" of the Zodiac.

Cadent houses

Astrology; Zodiac

"Falling away" (from the angles). Third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses. Planets are generally weaker there, being less stable and more changeable in their effects, unless they are the natural ...


Astrology; Zodiac

A system of houses based on equal twelvefold division of the prime vertical, as opposed to the ecliptic.

Ninth house

Astrology; Zodiac

The ninth chart segment, governing higher learning, religious education, long distance travel, lawyers, legal affairs and publishing.

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