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Zoological terms
Terms in relation to animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles or fish.
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Zoological terms
Ecto derm
Zoology; Zoological terms
The outermost of the three germ layers of the early embryo; gives rise to epidermis of the skin and nervous system ( gastroneural-tube in protostomia; notoneural-tube in deuterostomia)
Epi dermis
Zoology; Zoological terms
(Gk. epi, upon; desma, skin) The outermost layer of cells of an organism (integument); consisting of a single layer of epithelial cells.
Gastro dermis
Zoology; Zoological terms
Ephithelial tissue lining the gut cavity; in cnidarians does digestion and absorption
Zoology; Zoological terms
Those living organisms that inhibit the surface of water and sediments
Zoology; Zoological terms
Long, stiff feathers that are often found near a bird's mouth or eyes. The function of bristles is not well-understood and it is thought they may serve to funnel food into a bird's mouth or provide ...
Breeding system
Zoology; Zoological terms
The type of breeding behaviours characteristic of a population (polygyny, outcrossing, or selective mating) and the ways in which members of the population adapt to these breeding behaviours
Zoology; Zoological terms
A hole on top of a cetacean's head through which air is inhaled and exhaled. The blowhole is found on top of the head so as to prevent water from flowing into the lungs.