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Knowledge organization

A field of study invloving the indexing and classification of knowledge that is usually performed in libraries, databases and archives etc. It is related to Library and Information Science(LIS).

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Knowledge organization >

Auger transition

Astronomy; General astronomy

A radiationless quantum jump that occurs in the X-ray region. When a K-electron is removed from an atom and an L-electron drops into the vacancy in the K-shell, the energy ...


Biology; Genetics

Thin fingerlike protrusions from the surface of a cell, often used to increase absorptive capacity or to trap food particles.


Entertainment; TV

Security card that Digital Cable Ready (DCR) TV owners must obtain from their cable company in order to view scrambled programming, such as premium services.


Advertising; Billboard advertising

An in-market field check of available panels to determine locations for a specific GRP/showing.

red shirt

Sports; Football

a designation given to a college player who did not play in any games during a particular year due to injury or coach's choice; such a player is permitted to practice with the ...


Geography; Capitals

capital of Kosovo


Retail; Others

A classification assigned to retail items. Categories are useful for grouping similar items for pricing and reporting purposes.
