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Terms of or pertaining to the game of basketball which involves two teams of five players trying to work together to accumulate points by shooting or dunking a ball through a basket. The team with the most points by the end of the game wins.
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Sports; Basketball
(basketball term) when a player repeatedly pushes, pats, taps or bats the ball toward the floor with one hand to cause the ball to bounce back up to either of his hands; used to advance the ball or ...
drive to the basket
Sports; Basketball
(basketball term) to move rapidly toward the basket with the ball.
centre circle
Sports; Basketball
(basketball term) the circular area at midcourt from which jump balls are taken.
Sports; Basketball
(basketball term) An offensive foul which occurs when an offensive player runs into a defender who has established position.
clear out
Sports; Basketball
To move or shoot a ball away from the goal or out of the defensive zone.

NBA Commissioner
Sports; Basketball
The chief executive of the National Basketball Association or NBA. There are only four commissioners to date in the NBA’s history. As the sport’s chief executive, the commissioner is responsible for ...
Sports; Basketball
(basketball term) the 94' x 50' area bounded by 2 sidelines and 2 end lines containing a basket at each end, on which a basketball game is played.