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limit pricing
Financial services; Finance
Α pricing strategy, where products are sold by a monopolist at a low price in order to discourage entry into a market. This price is often lower than the average cost of production, or low enough to ...

Financial services; Finance
Cryptocurrency is a form of electronic currency that relies on cryptography to regulate several of its functions, such as value and counterfeit prevention. The most famous form of cryptocurrency is ...
Financial services; Finance
A) The relinquishment of a right, claim, or privilege, as to mill site, etc. b) The voluntary leaving of a person to whom one is bound by a special relation, as a wife, husband, or child desertion.
Financial services; Finance
To instigate or encourage by aid or countenance; -- used in a bad sense of persons and acts; as, to abet an ill-doer; to abet one in his wicked courses; to abet vice; to abet an insurrection.
Financial services; Finance
To do away with wholly; to annul; to make void; to end a law, system, custom or institution
Financial services; Finance
The act of abolish, abolishing, or the state of being abolished; an annul, annulling; abrogation; utter destruction; as, the abolition of slavery or the slave trade; the abolition of laws, decrees, ...
Net income, net profit
Financial services; Finance
Net earnings refers to a company's total revenue less expenses including depretiation/amortization, financing costs, and taxes. Net earnings is an important measure of performance, and is therefore ...