Contributors in Human body
Human body
eustachian tube
Anatomy; Human body
A thin tube that connects the middle ear with the throat. It helps keep air pressure equal on both sides of eardrum.
gall bladder
Anatomy; Human body
A pear-shaped organ just below the liver that stores the bile secreted by the liver.
gall bladder
Anatomy; Human body
A pear-shaped organ just below the liver that stores the bile secreted by the liver.
gall bladder
Anatomy; Human body
A pear-shaped organ just below the liver that stores the bile secreted by the liver.
Anatomy; Human body
Connecting the foot and thigh; AA division between the foot and the lower leg
the hyoid bone
Anatomy; Human body
The hyoid bone (lingual bone) (Latin os hyoideum) is a horseshoe-shaped bone in the midline anterior neck between the Chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, is located on the ground level of the ...