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Human evolution
Otherwise known as anthropogeny; anything of or relating to the study of the origin and evolution of Homo sapiens as a distinct species from other hominids, great apes and placental mammals.
Industry: Archaeology
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Human evolution
Archaeology; Human evolution
An animal that primarily eats other animals (includes insectivores and carnivores).
Archaeology; Human evolution
Bending action at the ankle or internal foot joints so that the palms and soles point down.
Archaeology; Human evolution
Extension of parts of one side of the brain beyond the corresponding parts on the other side.
cytological marker
Archaeology; Human evolution
A cytologically distinguishable feature of chromosomes.
achieved status
Archaeology; Human evolution
Social standing and prestige reflecting the ability of an individual to acquire an established position in society as a result of individual accomplishments.
Thiessen polygons
Archaeology; Human evolution
A formal method of describing settlement patterns based on the territoral divisions centered on a single site; the polygons are created by drawing straight lines between pairs of neighboring sites, ...