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Patent & trademark

Terms related to patent and trademark applications and infringement litigations. A patent is a form of intellectual property and associated rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time. A trademark, on the other hand, is a distinctive mark or name used by an individual or business organization to identify and distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.

Contributors in Patent & trademark

Patent & trademark

Benefit claim

Legal services; Patent & trademark

An applicant's claim of a benefit in a nonprovisional application of an invention disclosed in a prior-filed copending (under examination at the same time) provisional or nonprovisional application, ...

Allegation of use

Legal services; Patent & trademark

A sworn statement signed by the applicant or an authorised individual on behalf of the applicant attesting to use of the mark in commerce. The allegation of use must include one specimen showing use ...

Abstract of disclosure

Legal services; Patent & trademark

A concise statement of the technical disclosure including that which is new in the art to which the invention pertains.

Acceptable identification of goods and services manual

Legal services; Patent & trademark

A manual listing examples of identifications of goods and services that are acceptable to the trademark office for inclusion in trademark applications and registrations. The manual is not exhaustive ...

Election (PCT)

Legal services; Patent & trademark

An indication made by applicant, in the Demand for an International Application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, as to the Contracting States in which applicant intends to use the results ...

Substantive reasons for refusal

Legal services; Patent & trademark

There are several substantive reasons for refusing registration of a mark. These include: likelihood of confusion; primarily merely descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of the goods/services; ...

Window open

Legal services; Patent & trademark

Time period when a maintenance fee can be paid with or without a surcharge.

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