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Physical therapy equipment
Physical therapy equipment refers to the tools used for recovery of parts of the human body adversely affected by injury or surgery.
Industry: Medical devices
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Physical therapy equipment
Biotechnology; Biochemistry
description a statement presenting something in words, from verb describe

Medical devices; Physical therapy equipment
The handrim is an essential part of a wheelchair for it is used to propel, brake, steer, negotiate obstacles and manoeuvre.
Assistive Steering Devices
Medical devices; Physical therapy equipment
Assistive steering devices are selected based on the client's need. They range from reduced effort steering to compensate for reduced strength, to joystick steering to allow one-handed control of ...
Medical devices; Physical therapy equipment
Assistive Technology Supplier, a credential given by RESNA to indicate years of experience and knowledge to practise in the area of supplying rehabilitation technology devices. The ATS credential can ...
Medical devices; Physical therapy equipment
The part at the centre of a wheel; a wheel rotates around an axle with the help of ball bearings.
Body Mechanics
Medical devices; Physical therapy equipment
Refers to the best or safest body position to use in order to accomplish a heavy task.