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Poetry is a form of literary art making use of rythmic and aesthetic qualities of language to evoke meanings. Poetry has a long history evolving from folk music.

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Literature; Poetry

A dramatic dialogue of lively repartee in alternate verse lines. (When half-lines instead of whole lines are used for this technique, it is called hemistichomythia)


Literature; Poetry

The intentional use of a word or expression figuratively, i.e., used in a different sense from its original significance in order to give vividness or emphasis to an idea. Some important types of ...


Literature; Poetry

Excessive ornateness marked by the use of extravagant metaphors, so named from the 17th century Italian poet, Giambattista Marino, and his school of followers.


Literature; Poetry

See Anaphora


Literature; Poetry

A five-line verse, syllabic verse, successive lines consists of two, four, six, eight, and two syllables. Cinquain is based on Japanese haiku, was an American poet, innovation, Adelaide Crapsey.


Literature; Poetry

An epic poem; also, a number of poems with a specific subject, but who are not formally United.


Literature; Poetry

Synesthesia is a figure of speech involving the combination of two words from two different sensory plans, like a "sweet voice" or a "velvety smile." It can be very effective for creating vivid ...

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